Well, today’s the Big Day! Time to put together all the skills that we have learned from January until now. Did the musical goals and practice schedule that I set for myself pay off? Yes and no. Although I most definitely improved, I honestly had hoped to be better by this point. That being said, I found it a lot harder to stick to my musical goal plan than originally anticipated. When I was younger and taking lessons I was practicing around 1-2 hours per day, except for those times when I shirked practicing and ended up cramming a weeks worth of practicing  into the hour before my piano teacher would arrive for my lesson. I’d be lying if I said that hasn’t happened at times this term. I wish there were a way to be able to have extra classes scheduled in at U-Vic specifically for practicing. It would help someone in my position have some dedicated time away from home in which to practice without disruption. For example it would be great if there could be one music class per week in the class room and one specifically for  practicing. I think this would have really benefitted everyone. I definitely find it difficult to maintain a regular practice schedule. To be honest, this point in my life is pretty much one of the last moments in which I would take up learning anything else. I am finding I rush through most of my assignments for all of my classes already, so finding extra time at home to practice is not easy. I actually hope to take up piano in the near future partly because I think it will be a valuable and fun skill to have in my classroom, but also because I would love to learn to play well again.