So much for gardening this week! It seems like there has been such a small amount of time available, between the cold crummy weather and other commitments to  get outside and work in the garden before darkness sets in.  However, with todays time change, and the sun being out for more than an hour or two lately, we will definitely get outside in the garden. As for our seedlings, they are growing faster than I had anticipated. The tallest cucumber plants are now 13 cm tall and the tallest tomato plants are 6.2 cm tall. I am concerned that I will have to transplant the cucumber plants into bigger pots very soon, but don’t have enough available sunny spots in the house in which to leave the pots. Zack and I will keep a close eye on the plants over the next couple of weeks to monitor this. Unfortunately, the second set of pepper seeds that we planted failed to produce. Zack and I will head out to the store this week to see about purchasing some pepper seeds. I think we’ll also pick up some basil and  cilantro seeds as well.  According to a companion planting website called Farm Flavour, they recommend, ” a few companion planting basics:

  • Planting sweet basil, cilantro and parsley around tomatoes can not only protect the tomatoes from pests but also improve their flavor. Tomatoes also get along well with marigolds – and they look pretty, too! (Farm Flavour, Feb.2011).”

When it comes time to put the plants out in the greenhouse, we’ll pick up some marigolds and a few nasturtiums to further attract the bees in the neighbourhood to drop in on  the plants in the greenhouse!